Website Magazine Ranks Infolinks Among Top 50 Ad Networks

Our happy publishers now have one more reason to celebrate Infolinks. The January edition of  Website Magazine has ranked Infolinks among the Top 50 viable advertising and affiliate networks to consider using in 2011. Considering that Website Magazine is an industry leader, reaching a massive number of qualified website owners and internet professionals, this is a big announcement.

Yet, the good news does not stop here.  Infolinks was ranked higher than all other In-Text Ad networks.  Read below:

“Looking to generate revenue as a blogger? Try (#38) or [Competitor] (#48) for in-text advertising solutions.”

The bottom line is that there are thousands of options online for you to monetize your website – from affiliate networks, to PPC programs and of course In-Text ads. But, according to the results by Website Magazine, Infolinks is among the elite.

We are thrilled with this great accomplishment and it is only going to propel us forward.  We will continue to work for you by finding new ways to improve our service and meet our publishers’ needs.