Infolinks Gets An A+ from comScore!

Infolinks ranks #1 in comScore’s Top 10 Gaining Properties by Unique Visitors. comScore, a leader in measuring the digital world, released its monthly analysis of U.S. Web activity at the top-growing properties and site categories. According to comScore, Infolinks leads the top 10 sites with highest growth, when ranked by unique visitors, in January -February 2010.

Is 2010 going to be the year for In Text Advertising?

The massive growth in interest during the first quarter of the year might indicate a new trend in the online advertising realm. On the current trajectory, In Text Advertising looks to make big gains in 2010. As more advertisers enter the field, CPC rates continue to rise – and webmasters are definitely taking notice. It seems that, 2010 will bring lots of rich media into the Infolinks In Text advertising bubbles, with a better user experience for online publishers worldwide.

Thank you

The Infolinks team takes pride in this accomplishment and wants to thank you all – our loyal family of publishers who believed in our service and supported us along the way. We are always open to hear your insight about our service and try to improve it accordingly. Please feel free to use our Facebook page or simply drop us a line at support with any ideas you want to share with us.