Optimize Your Site with Pinterest

Optimize Your Site with Pinterest
Optimize Your Site with Pinterest

Pinterest is the hottest new social network to hit the web, having 1.36 million visitors a day. We’re running a special promotion to encourage all of our readers to optimize their sites and start using Pinterest. Simply follow our newest Pinterest board, Countdown to Optimization and you’ll be in the running for a $100 bonus to your Infolinks account.  We mean it when we say it pays to optimize your site!

It’s no secret that Pinterest has taken the online world by surprise, seemingly popping up out of nowhere and instantaneously becoming competition for the top two social media networks – Facebook and Twitter. Now, we at Infolinks love social media as much as the next person, so of course we have our own Pinterest page. What we want to know is how many of you are on Pinterest?

What is Pinterest?

For those who may have missed out on the initial hype, Pinterest is a new(er) social media network that allows its members to post pictures from all over the web into their own categorized “virtual pin boards”. This is special and fun for so many reasons. Looking to boost your site’s SEO? Browse through thousands of boards created by experts that sum up SEO in a simple picture or infographic. Maybe you’re looking to increase your web traffic. Click on a picture that will take you straight to a traffic-building article. You can follow people, companies or just boards.

We think Pinterest is so cool that we came up with 12 great optimization tips perfect for any website or blog. We’ll be featuring a new recommendation once a day on our Pinterest board for the next 12 days. We’ll also be revealing each new image daily on our Facebook timeline. The tips were designed with you in mind; we want your sites to be fully optimized and ready for high earnings.

You don’t want to miss these illustrated bits of guidance, whether you’re a novice or a pro there’s something in it for you. To be eligible for the $100 prize, all you have to do is follow our board from your Pinterest account. Don’t have an account? What are you waiting for? Sign up here, follow the board, and every day you’ll see a new pin with advice on how to optimize your site for better earnings. You may just get $100 out of it!