Facebook News You Can Use

Infolinks Facebook UpdatesKeeping up with Facebook’s news and constant changes may seem difficult as it appears there is always an update or one looming in the air. However, it behooves us all to be in the know so that our content, page or product is a front runner among the competition. If you’re not updated on the latest with Facebook you may be missing out on a lot, so Infolinks gathered the most recent updates so you can take advantage of the number one platform in the world.

So what hot in Facebook news?

Facebook API

Have a local business or website that promotes local activities? Facebook recently announced the release of a new tool for page administrators with pages that represent actual locations, such as stores.

“To manage pages that represent real-world store locations, we are releasing a new page locations API. This API is currently available to pages that already have locations by working directly with their Facebook representatives. The API does not support setting up new clients with locations. Learn more by reviewing the page locations API documentation.”

The New Facebook For Business Page

If you have a Facebook page for your business or website, you have to check out Facebook’s new layout for just this – one place for all of the information brands need to reach Facebook’s immense advertising resources. Choose your business goal from the options which will help customize your page to your needs and help you decide which ad products best fit you.

Read all about it here.

Downloads Galore

Do you need a solid way to upload different files and images to Facebook? Dropify gets the job done, integrating with Facebook’s Open Graph , letting you download via the social network, and share uploading and downloading activities to your Timelines and News Feeds. The latest version of Dropify is even more advanced. New features include a Facebook login, a way to recommend downloaded content to friends and much more. Now your readers can download your files from your website and your Facebook page.


Hashtags are fairly new to Facebook and big name brands are using them, so why shouldn’t you? The key is to use hashtags that are unique to your brand/website and not too generic. You don’t want to use a hashtag that another company could easily use. This way your readers will be able to follow you and your hashtags across social media platforms, like Twitter and Instagram as well.

Thumbnail Images

Have you ever uploaded content to Facebook via a link only to have the wrong image appear next to the text? This can be a frustrating issue for many, and with Facebook constantly changing their rules, it can be difficult to figure out why your image didn’t show up. Now that’s no longer an issue as thumbnail images can be uploaded to appear next to content. This is great for those having issues with their images appearing (too small or too large) and for those articles that don’t have images. Adding an image will make your post more interesting to your readers.

Facebook is always adding new parameters to their social media universe, and there really is something out there to suit everyone’s needs. What’s your favorite new Facebook change?