6 Forbidden Phrases for Bloggers

Independent bloggers must begin each day with a positive outlook and a hardworking attitude. There are certain phrases and mentalities that can prove toxic if adopted as your core values towards blogging and even life in general. Just like any entrepreneurial endeavor one may undertake, the right attitude backed by positive language are imperative to set your brain right and align yourself with true and lasting blogging success.

Forbidden Phrases for Bloggers

“I’m not in the mood”

You cannot allow your mood to dictate your output or your level of determination. (Easier said than done right?) To create quality content every day, implement strong social media marketing and effectively optimize your SEO efforts, you must put your nose to the grindstone and “just do it.” There’s no room for slacking when your success depends completely on your own will and drive.

“I don’t have time”

So you’ve been up all night finishing your last blog post, researching what you will write tomorrow and voraciously tweeting all of your followers to gain more social media clout. Of course you’re exhausted and could use 4 more hours to actually finish the guest post you promised to complete. But you can’t let good opportunities slip through the cracks. Optimize your time with tools like HootSuite and TweetDeck, which can help clear time in your busy schedule. If something is important enough, you will find the time.

“Blogging is an easy gig”

If anyone has ever told you that blogging is an easy job, they lied. To actually monetize your content means that it needs to be unique, well-written and you have to have quality traffic coming to your website. Blogging equals hard work, and there is no formula to get rich quick from blogging. The sky is the limit, but there will be struggles along the way.

“It’s not that important”

The proper blog infrastructure includes some details that may not appear critical to your success, but they are. For example, having a clear mission statement on your blog and understanding your audience can help you target all of your efforts correctly. Or, maybe you think that having an attractive blog theme isn’t that big of a deal, but UX experts can prove otherwise. Perhaps you’re under the impression that proofreading your writing is just a waste of time. That would be a big fat no.  The moral of this story: don’t overlook details that may add up over time.

“I don’t know”

This one is not only relevant for beginning bloggers, even more seasoned website owners can fall into this trap. There’s no way that you will know everything necessary to create and maintain your blog, let alone be able follow all of the latest Social Media and SEO trends to ensure your success. Thank God for that little website called Google, because now there’s no excuse! If you don’t know something, Google it, learn it, read about it and ask questions on forums. The information highway holds the answers you need, so you don’t have to neglect an integral part of your blog because you just don’t know something.

“I’ll do it tomorrow”

As Mark Twain once said, “never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.” Procrastination lingers in the recesses of even the most creative and prolific minds.  Fight the good fight! Tomorrow may never come, so get it done today.

“I can’t”

You can, you will and you must. The most important thing is to get out of your own way and believe that you can, because the obstacles will come, it’s up to you to go around them, jump over them and bust right through them.

Learn some more about some of the issues plaguing beginning bloggers on our awesome Infographic.