Calling all Publishers: Expand, Increase and Profit!

Add more websites to your Infolinks account and upgrade your earnings!

Now is the time to add more websites to your Infolinks Account and increase your revenue! Go on and monetize your whole network of blogs and websites with the magic of our In-Text ads. Why add more websites? Because we are offering you irresistible treats to expand your Infolinks network.

If you have:

  • Received your first payment from Infolinks
  • Added at least one additional website by February 28, 2011

You will earn an extra 5% Revenue Share for your entire network for 6 months.

If you have:

  • Received your first payment from Infolinks
  • At least 700 daily impressions combined for your entire network of sites
  • Registered all your sites by February 28, 2011

You will earn an extra 7% revenue share for your entire network for 6 month + an additional 10% network loyalty bonus*.

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to monetize your entire network of sites with the best option out there, but also to upgrade your entire earnings. This is a win-win situation for the whole Infolinks family! So get to it and watch your earnings soar!

*After 6 months of activity you will receive the Network Loyalty Bonus, which is a 10% bonus of the previous month’s revenue once meeting the promotion’s qualification.