Women of the Internet

Hello, I’m Tammy and I am the PR/Social Media Manager here at Infolinks. This year for International Women’s Day I want to share some personal perspectives on women on the internet as well as feature some important female figures that are paving the way for the rest of us. I make my living on the worldwide web, so it’s a topic close to my heart.

Also, to show our support of Women Bloggers and the issues important to them, Infolinks is making $1,000 donations to various charities chosen by top female bloggers. I will share more about what they chose to support and why in an upcoming blog post.

Here are just a few ladies that really stand out to me:

Billionaire and ex-EBay CEO Meg Whitman accomplished much during her ten years heading the premier online marketplace. She also managed to grab major headlines and media attention during her failed attempt to replace Arnold Schwarzenegger as California’s terminator (ahem), I mean governor.

Carol Bartz is another internet giant as the CEO and President of Yahoo since 2009. She is a spunky lady who has been captaining Yahoo through these challenging economic times.  Also, I can’t forget hot-shot Marissa Mayer, who is not only successful and attractive but also only 35. She presides as the gatekeeper for product releases at perhaps the most important internet company of all – Google.  That is power – woman power!

Tina Brown is another lady on her way to the top with her news site “The Daily Beast.” And of course, my list would be incomplete without the ultimate new media maven – Adrianna Huffington.  This stunning Greek-American entrepreneur made us all drool last month when  the HuffingtonPost.com  sold for a whopping $315 million to AOL.  If that doesn’t encourage you to purchase a domain and create your dream site, I don’t know what will.

To be honest though, I  find the powerful female voices on the internet to be some of the smaller ones. Stay-at-home moms, young students and women of all backgrounds and ethnicities now have a voice in a way that they didn’t before.  No matter how big or small the issue; there is a site for every matter under the sun relevant to women. Many earn extra income while supporting their readers and making them laugh. This is empowerment.

Perhaps what I find to be the most inspiring thing about the internet, is that when you come face to face with a website, you don’t see gender, color or background, unless it wants you to. This, in my opinion, is propelling us ladies forward.  You get to judge our sites based on their content – as each of us should be judged.

Infolinks is doing its part to support and encourage women during this special day. Infolinks publishers are invited to share the most influential woman in their life on our Facebook Fan Page. Also, Infolinks has already pledged $4,000 to various top women bloggers for them to endow to their favorite women’s charity.  Stay tuned to hear more about what charities will be supported.

Infolinks is thankful for its whole network, but today we want to send out a special thank you to all of the ladies that are making their voice heard online.