Grow your Moustache this Movember

Moustache + November = Movember!
November is dedicated to the moustache here at Infolinks, and from now on will be known as “Movember.” In the same spirit as our Click-Pink Campaign in support of Breast Cancer Awareness during October, Infolinks is partnering with this November to support their efforts in the fight against prostate cancer and other cancers plaguing men.

The concept behind Movember is that men everywhere shave their faces smooth on October 31st and grow out their facial hair during the whole month of November. Hence, every man who decides to take part becomes a walking, talking billboard in support of the Movember cause.

Similar to Click-Pink, Infolinks redesigned our famous In-Text ad bubbles to have a green hue and a link to with a matching moustache icon. These moustached, made-over bubbles appear across our network and link to more information about Movember.

You and your moustache can be stars!

But our Movember festivities don’t end there, we are also petitioning our entire network of publishers and fans across the web to start November with a clean shaven face and join the Mo-Bros (the men growing their moustaches and goatees.)

To become an official Infolinks Mo Bro simply share with us pictures of you and your moustache!  The longer, curlier and bushier the better! Email us your pic to and you will be featured on our Facebook Fan Page for everyone to enjoy.

We will feature your “staches” on our Facebook page and our favorite pic will be featured in its own Infolinks In-Text ad campaign and you will win a brand new Philips Norelco Electric Razor (for December). So start growing out your Movember stubble and you may be the lucky Mo Bro!

*Also stay tuned for the Infolinks’ Mo Bros as we share pictures of Infolinks employees growing out their moustaches this Movember!

Get Your Mo On

Mo Bros and even Mo Sisters can help support this worthy cause. Every time you see our green Movember ad bubbles, go ahead and click!  Also share this blog post with your social networks to raise more awareness for this campaign. Any sized donation to, Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG, the Lance Armstrong Foundation, will help  raise Awareness, Education, Survivorship and Research. Click, Share and Give this Movember while you’re busy growing out those beautifully groomed moustaches!