Infolinks Harlem Shake

We work hard to make sure that Infolinks runs smoothly. Every day we have different tasks at hand to ensure that our program is up and running, that our ads run well, and that our publishers and advertisers are happy. As most of us know, working hard means playing hard. The staff of Infolinks took a break to put together our version of the Harlem Shake.

We created our own version of the Harlem Shake to break up the typical work day and have some fun.

Lots of fun was had creating the video and getting ready to jump around in our wacky, unique costumes.

A visit from Andy Warhol’s time:

Infolinks Harlem Shake

Two fairies, hard at work:

Infolinks Harlem Shake

Coffee break!

Infolinks Harlem Shake

Just a man and his duck:

Infolinks Harlem Shake

And last but not least, a very pensive Princess Leia:

Infolinks Harlem Shake

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